February 9, 2025

Superbowl 2025: aceztrims chat

 vaxen1: Dear Chatango User,

It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that your services are no longer required within the Chatango chatroom. After much deliberation, we have concluded that your presence no longer aligns with the direction we are striving to move toward.

While we acknowledge the contributions you have made, the time has come for a shift in the environment, and, regrettably, you will not be continuing with us. We trust you will find an alternative platform where your skills can be better utilized.

We wish you the best in all future endeavors. However, please understand that as of now, your access to the Chatango chatroom has been permanently revoked.

@stainless111 Logano Warning

Your interest in Joey Logano is deeply concerning. Supporting that no-talent, block-happy, chrome-horn abuser is a serious character flaw. Please reconsider your choices before you find yourself permanently labeled as a menace to society.

*Auto-Moderation has been enabled by Hendrick Motorsports

stainless111: Secret Service: $7M to $10M.

Air Travel and Motorcade: $4M-5M.

Stadium Security Upgrades:
Additional metal detectors, bomb sweeps, security checkpoints: $2M.

Local Law Enforcement: Overtime & personnel: $1M.

Trump's Super Bowl attendance: $15 to $20M. Where’s DOGE?

Sun Feb 9, 6:17:35pm

disassemblyline: i hate to point out the obvious but the only thing holding american football back is the simple fact that were giong to watch between 12 to 15 entire minutes of gameplay over the course of 3 hours

vaxen1: I like frauds. NASCAR was handing them out for free to undeserving drivers. I thought that was odd since championships are supposed to be earned. I bought one. I took him home. His name was Joey Logano. He was a fraud. None of his championships were legitimate. He kept spinning out at opportune times. I laughed. Then Logano wrecked someone for 1st. I stopped laughing. He didn’t adapt well. He kept winning off gimmicks, hurling himself into the Playoffs, and slamming into integrity. It was funny at first, but the novelty wore off after his third Mickey Mouse title. Then I realized why Joey’s titles were so cheap: they were all fraudulent. No merit. Like a goldfish dying five hours later. I tried to get rid of him, but he kept coming back every few years

vaxen1: So, I killed you in Minecraft. Wondering why? Please consult the criteria below:

✅ You stole all my diamonds without asking.

✅ You griefed my base like a total idiot.

✅ You killed my dog, Steve Barkston. Unforgivable.

✅ You tried to lava bucket trap me in my own cave.

✅ You called me "NoobLord420" in chat.

Minecraft is my kingdom of blocks, and the diamond sword is my justice. SWING SWING

xLysanderXx: I
just smashed my computer screen in front of my siblings and parents at
my home, my mom took my screaming siblings and they’re spending the
night in the hotel and my dad disowned me.

WRECKTHEMALL has ruined DISCORD. I will NOT be online again!!!!!!!

TheBigOne24: Wish they would stop dancing and put on 4 Mr. Feel Goods and a can of Sunoco racing fuel

stainless111: I wish they showed trumps face now

dennytwofingers: whys he go an amazon chain on?

andolphMcDolphin: why are all these libtard celebrities football lovers?

dennytwofingers: hopefully clint bowyer runs over someone again on the way home from the super bowl

disassemblyline: @RandolphMcDolphin laundering and asset transfer

disassemblyline: @RandolphMcDolphin im not joking btw

@dennytwofingers LOL

disassemblyline: art does not exist

RandolphMcDolphin: Tom Brady still the goat

disassemblyline: asset transfer is the phrase youre all looking for

mw416: Lmao lady gag hasnt been good since 2012

Sun Feb 9, 9:30:16pm

RandolphMcDolphin: America #1 at wasting money

joejoe9: where them musk adss

joejoe9: adds

Larry69420: @RandolphMcDolphin They're not they just wanna be in front of the camera.

aquabutreal: I just celebratory smashed my TV in front of 30 guests at my party because of this game. MY WIFE JUST SHOWER HER TITS! our kids are going AUTISTIC and are NOT spending the week at a hotel. THE EAGLES has MADE MY LIFE and my party LEGENDARY. I can handle a EAGLES BLOW OUT. Goodbye Kansas City. I am now gonna destroy my city along with the rest of them. E-A-G-L-E-S!!!!

@Jimzy00 Dear Chatango User,

It is with a heavy heart that we inform you that your services are no longer required within the Chatango chatroom. After much deliberation, we have concluded that your presence no longer aligns with the direction we are striving to move toward.

While we acknowledge the contributions you have made, the time has come for a shift in the environment, and, regrettably, you will not be continuing with us. We trust you will find an alternative platform where your skills can be better utilized.

We wish you the best in all future endeavors. However, please understand that as of now, your access to the Chatango chatroom has been permanently revoked.

vaxen1: I like frauds. The NFL was handing them out for free to undeserving quarterbacks. I thought that was odd since greatness is supposed to be earned. I watched one. I saw him play. His name was Patrick Mahomes. He was a fraud. None of his Super Bowls were legitimate. He kept getting bailed out by the refs at opportune times. I laughed. Then Mahomes threw a 2-yard checkdown that turned into a 50-yard touchdown. I stopped laughing. He didn’t adapt well. He kept winning off gimmick plays, hurling himself into the playoffs, and slamming into actual elite teams. It was funny at first, but the novelty wore off after his third Mickey Mouse ring. Then I realized why Mahomes' success was so cheap: it was all fraudulent. No merit. Like a participation trophy on steroids.